We welcome you to the Santa Llúcia fair one of the oldest and most deeply rooted traditions Christmas of Barcelona City.
Santa Llúcia is celebrated on December 13, the day of her martyrdom, and date according to de Julian calendar came the longest night of the year, the winter solstice, that day or during the closest weekend, festival, fairs, and other specials events are organized to coincide with the upcoming arrival of Christmas, these Christmas markets put on sale all home decorations of the Christmas.
In the heart of Ciutat Vella (the old town of Barcelona), the Fair of Santa Lucia offers homemade, precious and essential products to decorate our homes during this holiday season.
Among the figures for the manger, Catalonia has a typical one, different from others that can be found on the rest of Spain.
This is the figure of the caganer: Traditionally it is a peasant character dressed with sash and beret, squatting with his buttocks in the air, “doing his needs”. Each year there are some particular controversial figures.
The Santa Llúcia fair has been held since 1786.
Joan Amades, mentioned Santa Llucia as the patroness of dressmakers, tailors and all needleworkers, and also patroness of the blind.
It is also said that the fair was known as the “girls fair” as it was thought that singles girls went there in order to find possible husbands. The girls of the area would go accompanied by their mothers, very dressed up and with jewelry, to find and admirer.
These fairs would sell figures, little houses and other constructions and pieces for Nativity scenes, such as bridges, fountains, mills, wells, birdhouses, and so on. The raw materials such as moss, cork and others plants could be found on the steps of the Cathedral. Our grandparents knew very well the difference between the two fairs, one for crib scenes and one for plants.
Over time, the Santa Llúcia’s has changed considerably. In the early 20th century, according to the photographs and writings, the stands consisted of a large wooden board set on simple shelves, protected by a rudimentary canvas waterproofed with linseed oil, and lit by oil or acetylene lamps when it got dark. Now, in contrast, the stands are made of wooden solid, well equipped and lit by electricity.
If you are around the area during this time, do not miss it! 😉