Let’s celebrate Sant Joan in Ciutat Vella

Sant Joan is one of the most anticipated festivals in Catalonia, and in the district of Ciutat Vella, this celebration is specially magic. The neighborhoods of Raval and Barceloneta become protagonist stages full of traditions, live music and bonfires. If you come to spend a few days in Barcelona, reserve the night of June 23 because you can not miss the special activities that take place in these two emblematic neighborhoods.

A magical night in the Raval

The party in the Raval begins with a symbolic and exciting event: the Flame of Canigó, which is lit every year at the top of Canigó and distributed throughout Catalonia.

7 p.m.: The Flame of Canigó in Sant Jaume square.

The lighting of the flame starts a vibrant parade that carries the flame from Sant Jaume square to the Rambla del Raval. The streets are filled with joy, music and colors as neighbors and visitors follow the flame.

8 p.m.: Habanera singing with the group Mar Brava.

The Rambla del Raval is filled with nostalgic melodies with the singing of habaneras by the group Mar Brava. In addition, burnt rum will be served, a traditional drink that perfectly complements the seafaring songs.

9 p.m.: Lunch box dinner

One of the most welcoming parts of the evening is the lunch box dinner, where neighbors bring their food and gather to share it in an atmosphere of brotherhood and celebration.

10 p.m: Lighting of the bonfire

The night continues with the lighting of the bonfire, a moment that symbolizes the purification and the arrival of summer.

11 p.m.: Dancing with DJ Medi

Finally, the night culminates with a lively dance with DJ Medi, who will play music for all tastes, ensuring that the party continues well into the early hours of the morning.

Party in the Barceloneta: 40th Night of Fire

In Barceloneta, the celebration of the Night of Fire is a spectacular event not to be missed. The night begins with another parade, carrying the Flame of Canigó from Pau Vila square to Poeta Boscà square.

8.30 p.m.: Parade with the Flame of the Canigó

This parade is a real spectacle, with music and animation at every step, leading the audience to the Poeta Boscà square.

8.30 p.m: Neighborhood dinner and music at the Poeta Boscà square.

Barceloneta also hosts a neighborhood dinner where residents gather to share food and enjoy the company of neighbors. Live music creates a perfect festive atmosphere.

9 p.m.: Lighting of the bonfire of San Juan

The traditional lighting of the bonfire is the highlight of the evening. The flame of the Canigó lights the bonfire, symbolizing the burning of the old and the welcoming of the new.

9.30 p.m: Correfoc

After the lighting of the bonfire, a spectacular correfoc fills the streets of Barceloneta. The devils and fireworks create a unique and exciting atmosphere.

10 p.m.: Night of Fire with the spectacle of the devils in the Plaza de la Barceloneta.

The night culminates with the spectacle of the devils, an authentic show of fire and light that leaves all attendees with their mouths open. The devils dance and play with fire, offering an unforgettable show.

Experience the Magic of San Juan in Ciutat Vella

Sant Joan is a night full of traditions, fun and community. Whether you opt for the party in the Raval or the celebration in Barceloneta, from Hotel Arc La Rambla we encourage you to celebrate this unforgettable night of music, fire and lots of partying in Ciutat Vella and live a magical experience that you will always remember.

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