At Hotel Arc La Rambla we like to understand that our Corporate Social Responsibility must expand towards participation in solidarity initiatives.
It was our commitment that drove us to achieve Biosphere certification, in our effort to comply with national and international sustainability criteria within the hotel sector.
When it comes to solidarity we can always do more. For this reason, in 2023 we joined a very special event, the Hotel Games® whose objective was to raise funds for the Afanoc Foundation, specifically for its wonderful project “La Casa de los Xuklis”.
The Xuklis House is an accommodation that houses children and adolescents with cancer and their families temporarily while oncological treatments are carried out when these families live outside the metropolitan area of Barcelona.

The Afanoc Foundation was born in 1987 around the life experience of a group of mothers and fathers, and since then they have not stopped implementing programs and services with the aim of improving the psychosocial health of patients and their families.
It seemed to us that there could be no better reason to participate in the Hotel Games®, the Charity Olympics held every year, where hotel staff from Madrid and Barcelona compete.
What did we do in this solidarity initiative?
Well, in addition to the solidarity objective, we had a great time competing with the rest of the hotels that participated in the event. And it didn’t go bad at all!
In Volleyball we won the silver medal:

We compete in several categories. The hotel’s colleagues gave their all, joining forces to collaborate on solidarity initiatives like this one.
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