Do you know our loyalty club WEARC Club?


Our modern, charming hotel in Barcelona not only offers a privileged location but also provides exceptional comfort. This is achieved through our loyalty program, the WEARC Club.

The WEARC Club: your passport to the perfect experience at Hotel Arc La Rambla

WEARC Club is our loyalty program designed for guests who book directly through our official website or by email. You’ll not only enjoy a comfortable and pleasant stay, but you will also receive numerous benefits and personalized attention from the moment you make your reservation.

What advantages does the WEARC Club have?

  • Best Rate Guaranteed

Our commitment to your satisfaction begins from the moment you choose Hotel Arc La Rambla. By booking through our official website or by email, you are guaranteed the best rate available on the market.

  • Extra 10% Discount

As a member of Club WEARC, we offer you a discount of at least 10% on your reservation. It’s our way of thanking you for your loyalty and making your stay even more rewarding.

  • Greater Flexibility

We understand that plans can change, which is why we offer flexibility. Even if you have opted for a non-refundable reservation, we give you the possibility to change the dates without penalty.

And also…

  • Special Rooms and Extras

As a privileged member of WEARC, you have access to book room types and extras that are not available anywhere else. From the suite to special services.

  • Upgrade under Availability

Looking for an even more comfortable experience? As a Club member, you have the opportunity to enjoy a room upgrade, subject to availability.

  • Early Check-In under Availability

We know that arriving early can make a difference, which is why we offer early check-in, subject to availability at the time of your arrival. Start your experience at Hotel Arc La Rambla ahead of schedule and make the most of every moment.

At Hotel Arc La Rambla, we not only offer you a place to stay but an experience that you will remember fondly. Join WEARC today and discover a world of benefits, personalized attention, and unforgettable moments. Your trip to Barcelona starts here.

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