3 typical meals you can’t miss in Catalonia

Oh Spain, a famous destination not just for sun and beaches also for its food. When you are saying to someone that you are travelling to Spain the first word that they would say is: paella, jamón or tortilla. Yes, this country is plenty of delicious food that you probably couldn’t find out of the country.

Catalunya has its own popular Mediterranean diet and we would like to tell you what are the most popular products in Catalunya, those you only can find only in that region.  You also can find more info about the catalan gastronomy in the official site.

1. Pà amb tomàquet

It’s Bread with spread tomato on the top, an oil jet and salt. Important thing: it should be a spread tomato not tomato slices. You can also add some spread garlic before you put the tomato.

This is the most famous meal in Catalonia; it could seem kind a surprise for the tourist and to the rest of Spain as well.

2. Calçots

It’s a local sort of onion cooked on the grill. You can see lots of people eating calçots during their bbq. It’s a kind of annual ritual and the most curious about it is the way people eat them. You have to take a large calçot from one tip and raise your hand, making coincide the other tip with your mouth, dip it in the sause and eat. And it’s true that people say that the secret of this tradition is in the romesco salsa (calçots sauce).

3. Embotits

You have all kind of embotit in Catalunya but the most famous are: fuet and botifarra. You could accompany it eating them with pà amb tomàquet. Absolutely delicious! If you try it once, you will miss it so much!

Now go and try all this kind of flavors, enjoy your meal!

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