Do you want to discover marine biodiversity with eco-snorkelling?

Eco-snorkelling on Somorrostro beach: we will explore the rich marine biodiversity and help protect the sea

Barcelona is known not only for its iconic architecture, vibrant cultural life and beaches, also because it is a destination for natural and marine life enthusiasts. One of the most exciting and educational activities you can enjoy during your stay in the city is eco-snorkelling in Barceloneta. This experience not only allows you to observe the impressive marine flora and fauna found in coastal waters, but also to raise awareness about the importance of protecting this fragile ecosystem.

What is eco-snorkelling?

Eco-snorkelling is a form of surface diving that focuses on the observation and study of marine ecosystems in their natural environment. With a mask, snorkel and fins, you will immerse yourself in the clear, shallow waters of Barceloneta, where you can observe rich biodiversity. This type of activity is ideal for all ages and does not require prior diving experience, making it an accessible option for all visitors to Barcelona.

Marine biodiversity in Barceloneta

The waters of Barceloneta are home to a wide variety of marine species. During your eco-snorkelling excursion you will be able to see different types of seaweed and various species of fish such as sea bream, sea bream and mojarras. In addition, it is possible to find starfish and small crustaceans hidden among the rocks.

During the activity, you will also have the opportunity to learn about the invasive species that are proliferating on our coasts and disturbing the balance of the marine habitat. These species represent a threat to local ecosystems.

Eco-snorkelling on Somorrostro beach

Impact of climate change and human activities

Climate change and human activities have a direct and significant impact on the marine life of our coasts. The increase in sea temperature is favoring the proliferation of invasive species and affecting local biodiversity. Furthermore, pollution from waste, especially plastics, is causing irreparable damage to marine ecosystems.

During the eco-snorkelling experience, expert guides will not only show you the beauty of the sea, but will also explain how climate change and pollution are affecting these habitats. This educational approach is essential to raise awareness among participants about the need to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

How can we protect our sea?

An essential part of eco-snorkelling is environmental education. The guides will share with you various ways in which we can all contribute to the protection of the sea. From reducing plastic use to participating in beach clean-ups, every little effort counts.

In addition, the importance of respecting marine life during snorkeling is emphasized. Avoid touching or disturbing animals, do not pluck seaweed or corals, and do not leave waste in the water are some of the recommendations given during the activity.

During your stay at the Hotel Arc La Rambla, don’t miss the opportunity to join this activity. It will help you change your perspective a little about our natural environment.

Our clients are clear about it… and you? If you are looking for a hotel in Barcelona with an unbeatable location, look no further and book your room at our establishment, located in the heart of the city. In addition, you can benefit from the special discount code ARCBLOG that we offer to our readers.

Also, if you want to discover more ideas to enjoy your stay in Barcelona, ​​keep exploring our blog to stay up to date.

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