How to promote sustainable mobility?

Barcelona has an extensive network of efficient and sustainable public transport, as well as several options for shared mobility and bicycles. For this reason, at Hotel Arc La Rambla we encourage our guests to opt for sustainable means of transport during their stay in Barcelona. Below we will look at the different options available:

  1. We use public transport: Barcelona is known for its efficient public transport infrastructure. Metro, buses, trams and trains are more than valid options for getting around the city. They are faster alternatives to the car and also connect the different neighbourhoods.

  2. Walking is the way: one of the strong points of our hotel is its location. We are close to many cultural sites that you can visit within walking distance – see for yourself!

  3. We prioritise and plan your journeys: prioritise walking, cycling and public transport over private vehicles.

  4. What about taking a bike: There are more and more bike lanes in the city of Barcelona. Consider renting a bike to explore the city in a healthy and environmentally friendly way. The Bicing service, a bike-sharing system, is also very popular with residents for short, eco-friendly journeys.

  5. We share (electric) cars: if you must use vehicles, opt for electric and shared models to reduce the use of public space and make sustainable mobility more affordable.

What are the benefits of public transport?

We are increasingly aware that everything we do in our daily lives has an impact on the environment. This includes the way we move around.

Going for sustainable mobility in the city improves people’s quality of life and health, embraces an efficient and accessible transport model, and even contributes to more optimal road safety in cities. Let’s see how:

  • Emissions reduction: if we opt for public transport in our city, we will be helping to reduce CO2 emissions and other pollutants, and therefore helping to improve air quality in the city. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

  • Energy savings: these means of transport consume less energy per passenger, contributing to a more efficient use of resources.

  • Less congestion: another advantage of using public transport and cycling is that road congestion in the city is reduced, especially in the city centre.

  • Economic savings: sustainable transport options are often cheaper than using a private car.

Hotel Arc La Rambla Commitment

At our hotel we offer all kinds of information so that our guests can easily move around the city using public transport, bicycles and other sustainable mobility options.

We invite you to be part of the change and enjoy a sustainable stay in Barcelona and hope to see you soon at Hotel Arc La Rambla!

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