Why enjoy the smoke-free beaches in Barcelona?


Barcelona is a city committed to responsible tourism, accessibility, and sustainability in all areas. Additionally, some of Barcelona’s beaches have been awarded the Biosphere certification, confirming their commitment to sustainability and responsible tourism.

Today, we want to talk about another initiative that respects both the health of Barcelonians and the environment. Since July 22nd, all beaches in Barcelona have become smoke-free zones. This measure, promoted by the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB) and Barcelona Water Cycle, SA (BCASA), aims to protect the environment and the health of citizens, ensuring a clean environment free of cigarette butts.

Smoke-free beaches in Barcelona: A commitment to the environment and health

The initiative began in 2021 with a pilot test on the beaches of Sant Miquel, Somorrostro, Nova Icària, and Nova Mar Bella, and it was widely accepted. In 2022, the ban was very well received, with 99% of users not smoking on the beach, although cigarette butts were still found near walkways and structures due to smokers moving off the sand.

Why is this measure important?

Environmental protection

Every year, millions of cigarette butts pollute the oceans, releasing toxic metals that affect marine life and, consequently, humans. Cigarette butts, which take a decade to degrade, are the second most common plastic waste on European beaches.

Coexistence and responsible use of public space

With an influx of nearly four million people each season, Barcelona’s beaches are a meeting point for citizens of all ages. Keeping them smoke-free facilitates better coexistence and healthier enjoyment of these spaces.

Health protection

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease. Additionally, secondhand smoke is harmful to everyone, especially children and pregnant women. Smoke-free beaches not only improve air quality but also have an educational impact, promoting healthy living habits among the younger generation.

At Hotel Arc la Rambla, we support this initiative and encourage our guests to enjoy Barcelona’s smoke-free beaches, thus contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone.

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